Worldwide Delivery
To ensure the best possible service, we collaborate with several partners for shipping:
- Italy: BRT
- Europe (EU): GLS
- Outside Europe (EXTRA EU): UPS and FedEx
Free Shipping
We offer free shipping to the following countries: Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, for orders over 200 euros. Please refer to our shipping table for further details on costs applicable to other countries and orders.
Delivery Times
Delivery times can vary depending on the destination:
- Italy: about 3-4 working days
- Europe (EU): about 3-7 working days
- Outside Europe (EXTRA EU): 7 to 10 working days
Please note that these times are only estimates and can vary based on the destination location.
For more information about our return policy, please visit the dedicated section on our website.
Order Tracking
Once shipped, we will provide you with a tracking code so you can follow all the steps of your order until delivery.
Customs Fees
Customs fees are included in the price, thus ensuring total transparency and no additional charges at the time of delivery.
For any questions or needs, do not hesitate to consult the assistance section of our website, where you will find all the ways to contact us.